Landlubbers Ho!

Hail Adventurers!

An aspiring weekend awaits as the merchants of The Adventurer’s Emporium are off again to new lands! This time it’s to the uncharted waters and sea-spattered faces of Port Royal. Stretching between the 21st and 24th of June, come to lands and seas unknown in centerville OR, and between the variety of pirate games and people to meet, magicians to see and trouble to be done, visit us at The Adventurer’s Emporium! Trouble and I will be holding down the fort from scurrilous pirate shenanigans around us from our eye-catching Hut (covered in blankets, can’t miss us!). Trouble is once again bringing her resin and black walnut necklaces, hand painted potion bottles, and a variety of other intricacies to join my leatherwork and garb for an excellent selection. Thanks to the excitable people of Feather Falls Renaissance Faire we only have one last pirate knife (until the busy Cub and Thistle of Bear and Badger Co. return to our Hut), so best come find us fast before that rosewood beauty is gone!

We hope to meet you along the way as our journey continues!
