Shipping + Returns

We are as of yet a small operation and ship with help from Paypal and Stripe, or whatever it is. Returns, we manage ourselves. if you are unhappy with an item, please let us know in the form below and we’ll get back to you with return instructions as soon as we can. For most merchandise, we are happy to refund you the entire price paid for the item. Return policy of custom items varies with the item. please consult below.

  • Cloaks — Refunds are for work done and do not include material costs.

  • Artwork — Art commissions are non-refundable after shipping, and ownership of art commissions which are refunded before shipment return to the original artist.

  • Custom Costume Items — Refunds are for work done and do not include material costs.

  • Wings — Refunds are for 50% price of purchase. Repairs are $20+shipping



Wing Repair