Temporary Pocket

Temporary Pocket

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Ladies. The struggle is over.

But it’s much more than that, Isn’t it? Who among us has not spent hours making a phenomenal anachronistic or fantastically spectactular costume, only to realize on the day of adventure itself that the pattern didn’t have pockets in ANY of your seven layers? We, at The Adventurer’s Emporium have found the solution. By tucking your convenient Temporary Pocket into your waistband leaving the tails to flop outside, your phone, keys, and gold will be safely tucked out of sight while also within easy access. The unobtrusively aesthetic scarf tails keep it safely in place, even while running or dancing!

Take your music with you hands-free, despite the wishes of thoughtless workout-wear manufacturers

Keep your phone with you while you make pancakes in your fashion-not-function PJ’s.

The uses are endless, the Temporary Pocket is singular. We don’t mind, glad to be of help. You know where we are when the holidays come around.